The Gulf of Corryvrecken is a narrow channel between the isles of Jura and Scarba. Strong Atlantic currents and unusual underwater topography conspire to produce a particularly intense tidal race in the Corryvreckan channel. As the flood tide enters the narrow area between the two islands it speeds up 10 mph and meets a variety of seabed features including a deep hole and a rising pinnacle. These features combine to create whirlpools, standing waves and a variety of other surface effects.
Working alongside Nicholas Hamilton, a visual artist based in Brooklyn, NYC, to capture the raw beauty of these natural phenomenons from the air using 2 of our drones. The footage has been used as part of an art installation charting the life of George Orwell as he lived on the Isle of Jura whilst he wrote his hugely popular book, 1984.
This was filmed using both a DJI Inspire 1 and DJI Mavic Pro drones.
“The footage really does look spectacular and many thanks for everything. I enjoyed the whole process and got in a couple of hikes around Crinan and managed to talk to an old islander who told me stories about Orwell and the whirlpool in general. Thanks a million once again-outstanding footage!!”